100 Year Anniversary of the Village's Incorporation
Photo from 1909
Suring owes it's location to the railroad, which helped a tiny settlement become a center of northwoods lumbering. At the time of its construction, the community consisted of two houses, a vacant store and a small sawmill, which had been contructed in 1883 by Joseph Suring, the area's first permanent resident and owner of most of the land the railroad purchased in that vicinity. Prior to designation by the rairoad, the little community had been commonly known as "Mudville",due to the low, swampy land that dominated the vicinity. As in many other depot communities, the opening of the railroad led to a settlement and building boom, as a general store, hotel, blacksmith, hardware store, and at least three saloons were in business in Suring before a year had expired.
Much of Suring's early business activity came from lumberjacks, going to or coming from camps north and west of Suring. As one of the northernmost settlement, suring provided lodging, meals and entertainment for jacks.
One saloon, names the Assembly, and constructed in 1896, became known locally as "That Awful Place", as a result of wild behavior that occurred within.
By the turn of the century, Suring had a grain elevator that served the areas growing number of farmers.
Between 1905 and 1923 Suring was also home to a factory that made cheese boxes.
After a decade of declining timber yields, the last drive came through Suring in 1926 After that point, Suring's primary business were oriented toward the dairy farms surrounding the village.
Suring - Established in the late 1800's - Incorporated as a village in 1915.

Go to the following link to read the entire story written by Mr. Wicke.........